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  • Love yours, Danielle

my college experience.

I think it's safe to say that college is the one thing seniors in high-school look forward to the most. The "hype" of leaving your childhood home, living on your own and making your own decisions is unimaginable. Most teenagers can't wait to be on their own, no parents to tell them to clean their room, and no longer hearing "be home by 12" from your parents. For me, college was my biggest growing experience yet (and still is). College is a time where you "find yourself" but it can be really easy to lose yourself as well. My college experience started while still living at home while going to a community college close by. My heart longs to tell you that I had it all figured out from the beginning. The real hard truth is that I let the world define the decisions I made. I let boys define my happiness. I let Instagram define what "fun" should look like in college. Unfortunately, if I hadn't had a turning point, a moment of realization that boys, friends, and social media were never meant to fulfill me I would still be left feeling unsatisfied with my life, actions, and choices. The funny thing is than satan has a way of making certain activities look enticing, so enticing we think we are living a God-filled life but we're not. Don't let satan win, don't let him take your ability to be who God has called you to be.

A sweet senior girl in high school that I have just recently got to know sent me a few questions. This girl knows the world she is about to face. She knows that if she is not grounded in the Lord she can quickly be consumed by the world. I am so blessed to know her! She gets it.

1. What’s the best way to stay consistent with quiet time?

My quiet time. This is something I am continuously working on. The truth is, you just have to do it, there are going to be days where it is the last thing you want to do and that is when you need to do it the most. Days where it 's hard and seems impossible, pick a time that fits your schedule and stick with it for 2-3 weeks and it will eventually become automatic, you won't be able to imagine your day without it. It is so important to design a quiet time in college because you are surrounded by so many factors like school, sororities, comparison, and jealousy that make you feel smaller than who He has called you to be.

2. How do you resist peer pressure and just say no?

You know who you are. You know your worth. Romans 12:2 says, "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Cling to this verse. There will be times where doing the wrong thing will feel right. Just because the rest of the world is doing it, doesn't make it right. You have to make a decision, sometimes that decision means leaving friends, leaving an organization, or even leaving a certain college. So my answer to this question, know your worth. know who He is and who He calls you to be. It's easier said then done - you and I know that. Find someone to be your mentor during this season! Join a small group, get a good group of friends who are going to help keep you accountable for your actions.

3. How do you avoid settling for the wrong guys in college?

oh boy, literally. If you are anything like me when I was going into college I just wanted to get my "MRS degree". If you don't know what that is - google it. God quickly rocked my world and showed me that college was going to be so much more than just landing a sweet boyfriend. I reached a point in my life where if a guy was to enter my life it would be under God's circumstances and not my own. So, I didn't settle, I didn't want too. I knew that the next guy who was going to be in my life was going to be someone who pursued the Lord, who pursued me well, and would encourage me in my walk with God. Something I did when I was a sophomore in college was create a short and realistic list of characteristics I want from my future boyfriend/husband. This helps you know what you want and to not settle. I'm thankful for a God that has shown me His grace throughout every circumstance of my life. I am thankful that God allowed me to grow in my singleness before entering a new relationship. I am even more thankful for the growth that He is provided me in my relationship right now.

4. How do you balance studying with social life?

Only you will be able to know and decide how much you can do. Some people get away with studying the night before or even the morning of a test. God, did not bless me with that type of lifestyle. Unfortunately. I am someone who literally needs a week to study for anything. Knowing this, I try to not overwhelm myself. I give myself time and space. Sometimes this means saying no to hangouts with friends or staying in on a Friday night to get things done and that is totally fine. Only you will now what your school load is like and the time you need. Don't overwhelm yourself with school work because failing a test isn't the end of the world. You are going to be just fine, I promise. From the beginning learn to create a healthy social and school lifestyle. Get yourself a cute planner and plan out your week. Don't get so caught up in sticking to every detail, learn to leave room for a little mess.

5. How do you be open to attending a new church and being comfortable with that change?

This was a huge struggle for me when leaving home. I loved the church I was attending back home and when I moved to A&M I couldn't seem to find anything else like it. The truth is, you may never find a church like the one back home and that is totally fine. My advice to you is to ask around in your college town. Ask different people you know what church they go to and take a few weeks to visit those different churches. Be open to change and pray about the church God might be leading you to disciple in. You are already experiencing a huge change going from home to college that connecting yourself to a knew church may seen scary but nothing is better than finding those who are going to be along side you in that season of change. Those people may end up being ones who are going to lead you during the midst of uncertain times.

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