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  • Love yours, Danielle

the importance of foundation.

This past weekend I made my way back to College Station. As I am driving home I am remembering why I love this town so much (little sarcasm). If you have ever visited the town you know that the entire place is an entire construction zone. There's not a road that isn't being fixed, a highway that isn't shut down or a lane that isn't closed. There's a huge road near where I live that is closed off until October 15th because they are making what was a 2 lane road into now a 4 lane road. I look up and down at it and am quickly annoyed at the thought of how long it's probably going to take to build. The next day, I drive out and see the road and get annoyed all over again. I'm thinking to myself, "seriously how long is it going to take to finish this road?" I started thinking about all the inconveniences this road closure is going to cause as soon as class starts back up again. Im thinking about how I'm going to have to take a detour that I normally wouldn't have to take if this road wasn't closed. I started thinking about all the traffic it is going to cause once everyone is back in town from summer. As I start thinking about these million of reasons why they needed to get a move on with this road, I began to think about the process that it actually takes to build a road.

In order to build a safe road it takes months of planning before construction can even begin. Constructors have to get heavy moving machines to build the foundation of the road. Once the foundation of the road is finished they then have to pave the way using concrete. Building a road is a lengthy process, when it is done right. If I am starting to bore you to death, hang on I swear there is a reason why I am rambling on about this road. Without a solid foundation, any road that is built will fail long before its expected lifespan. Your life with Christ works the exact same way. Without a strong foundation in Him, you will fail. Just like a road needs a strong foundation, so do you. That foundation needs to be built and it needs to be built in Jesus Christ. In order for the road to be complete it needed a strong foundation, it needed pavement. You need a strong foundation, you need to grow in relationship with God daily. So when you go through trials you know who your foundation is laid in, you know who you are and WHOSE you are. We all want to get to the end but we forget about the process. We all want to see our lives perfect but we don't want to go through the process it takes to get there. We all want to marry the man/girl of our dreams but we don't want to work on bettering ourselves to get there. We want the "picture" so badly but not the process. We easily forget that It is the process that produces the picture. It's the daily battle, constant relationship with God that gets us to where God has called you and me to be. What are you willing to risk for the process? Without a firm foundation you will always find yourself running back to things God doesn't intend for you. If a road didn't have a firm foundation then people wouldn't be able to drive from place to place safely. This world would be absolute chaos. Build your life on the One who designed it. Today start building your foundation in God and the next day and everyday after that. One day the process will be worth it all.

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