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  • Love yours, Danielle

the greatest love story.

At some point in our lives we have all watched or heard about a Nicholas Sparks movies, whether it be The Notebook, Dear John, or The Longest Ride. There's something about these movies that when we watch them they make us feel a certain type of way. There is also something about these specific movies that can really get into our heads. We are constantly living in a world where we compare ourselves to famous people, our peers, and even these Nicholas Sparks movies.

I remember when I was a senior in High-School I saw The Longest Ride for the first time in the movie theaters with one of my best friends, at the time. I remember feeling so sad throughout the entire movie thinking to myself "I want THAT", "What do I have to do to obtain a relationship like this one in the movie?", or better yet "no one is ever going to love me like that". I mean really come on this was a MOVIE, I really let this made up, directed movie control my thoughts. Today, I am here to tell you that your greatest love story is already written and it is so beautiful.

We are all searching for something in life. Maybe your goal in life is to land that dream job, get married and raise a beautiful family. I will be real with you, I long for that too. I can't wait for the day that I get to stand beside the one God has chosen for me since the day I was born. Until that day, I am so excited to share with you the greatest love story that has already been given to me. I'm sure I have mentioned this in a previous blog but in the NIV Bible the word love is mentioned 319 times in the Old Testament and 232 in the New Testament. That is 551 times. Love is written 551 times.

I want to quickly shut down any thoughts you might have like the ones I did when I was watching The Longest Ride and tell you a little bit about God's overwhelming love. God's love is forgiving, Jesus died for my sins He died for your sins, there is nothing me and you can do that can ever change that. He holds nothing against you. God gives us His love without any strings attached, no games, and especially no lies. We are already given the love that we are constantly searching for, the love we all want, the one we strive for like in those Nicholas Sparks movies. No Nicholas Sparks love story movie will EVER compare to the love story of God. God gave up his one and only son for me, He loves me even when I fall short time after time, He leaves the 99 to save the one.

One of my favorite bible verse is Luke 15:4-6, "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep." God leaves the ninety-nine sheep to go after the lost one. Some of you might think how silly is that to leave ninety-nine perfectly good sheep to go after just ONE sheep. I can't think of a more perfect verse than this to describe to you God's overwhelming love. He sees you, He loves you, and He is leaving the ninety-nine for YOU.

There is a specific event that has happened in my life where God's love has really shined throughout my life to this very day. I don't talk about it much as it's not my story its just a piece of me. My greatest love story. When I was almost 3 years old me, my mom, and older sister were in a horrific accident. My mom's car rolled over multiple times, all while I was ejected from my seat through the front window. It was like a scene from the fictional Fast and Furious movie but it was my reality. My family was life-flighted to the hospital, the medics thought I was deceased, I was far from it. That day He saved my family from death. Doctors constantly told my mom that she was supposed to be paralyzed for the rest of her life and never walk again. What the doctors didn't know was that we had a God who loved us, and who saved us. There is truly no other explanation for it. He knew I would fall short, He knew how undeserving I would be yet He still thought so highly of me. I can't think of a love stronger than that, nothing will ever compare.

When I don't love myself, He most certainly does. His love chases me and gives me hope and a future. Even when I don't deserve His love and am left feeling so undeserving He overwhelms me with His constant love. Know you are forever His, and He is forever yours. God has turned me from absolutely nothing into something beautiful, it is what He does. He turns my nothings into somethings. You are promised eternal joy and love from the One who lived and died for you. If you have completely zoned out on this blog, please pay attention to these next few sentences. I want to share with you that I have come to know a love that has raised me from death to life. A love that is so strong that it tears down every single lie I have ever believed and ever worry that I will ever have. His love is the love I long for each day, His love is a love that I don't have to fight for, or worry about ever losing. Every single morning when I wake up I am LOVED, every single night when my head lays down on my pillow I am LOVED. I just couldn't possibly describe to you a more perfect love than God's. It truly overwhelms me thinking about how someone who created the universe looks upon you and me with love. Jesus Christ died on that cross with you in His heart so you could experience His love. He looks down on us, takes our faces into His hands, and tells us that how much He love us. If you ever think that a love is more infinite that that, I can tell you that you are sadly mistaken.

I pray over all of you right now. I pray you get to know a love like His. He is so constant in His timing, faithfulness, and love. I pray you love like Him. I pray that until you know that Jesus is enough for you, no person or thing will ever be. Let go of the Nicholas Sparks movies and the "relationship goals" and run towards His love. I promise you will not be disappointed, I never am. I know right now that He is so proud of me knowing and living this truth, knowing that His love is truly the greatest love story that I could ever have and or want. I have never been so sure that His love is the love that I want.

s/o God for giving me the greatest love story yet!!!

thx for reading!!:) & don't forget to subscribe before you leave!

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