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  • Love yours, Danielle

Loving like Him.

Before I start talking Jesus talk and diving into what God has put on my heart over the past few weeks I want to give you a little update on my life because God has been doing some wonderful things over the past few months.

If you have been keeping up with my blogs or have ANY idea on who I am you know that God put a huge transition in my life this school year. In August I started my junior year (junior year, what the heck??) at Texas A&M University a.k.a the best school their is around. Through lots of struggles, tears, prayers, and many many blessings I made it here. Anyways, I had no idea what I was jumping into here in College Station. I knew my major but honestly, that's about it. I didn't know what the Lord had planned for me here but I knew it was going to be something farther than my own imagination could understand or else, I wouldn't be sitting here in a coffee shop in College Station writing this blog in between homework assignments.

I jumped into this school year confident and ready to crush my first year here at A&M. Not even a week into school and I started to think that maybe my first year at A&M was going to CRUSH ME. Juggling a full time school load, work, and trying to figure out exactly where God wants me at A&M was all challenging starting out. I didn't know how I was going to juggle it all. Things get tough, school and life gets hard, and you just don't know how you are going to handle it all. When you feel like this....because you will. Give it to God. There has been so many times where I am filled with anxiety or stressed out and I would just sit there and say, God i'm giving this one to you. If it wasn't for my previous years of experience of waiting, praying, and patience I wouldn't be able to do it all.

All in all this semester has been amazing and I plan on bringing home a 4.0 my first year here at Texas A&M University (insert automatic aggie whoop here)! I am so blessed to be lead here doing exactly what I love to do and what God wants me to do. School is going great, I have been attending Breakaway which is a weekly bible study here on campus inside of our basketball arena surrounded by many other college students of Texas A&M. Breakaway is lead by an amazing pastor by the name of Timothy Ateek (if you ever have a free Tuesday night come to college station and GO TO BREAKAWAY or just go to A&M and get the opportunity to go every Tuesday night. I'm praying God leads me in extraordinary ways while in here at A&M. I ask you to please pray over me as well!

O.K. lets talk Jesus talk.

Have you ever been driving in traffic and someone all of a sudden cuts you off almost causes you to get in a car wreck, your automatic instinct is to lay on your horn for a flat minute and wonder what in the world they were thinking. Or maybe you are ordering at Chick-Fil-A and they give you grilled chicken nuggets instead of regular chicken nuggets you ordered. But, that would never happen because its Chick-Fil-A (duh!) Your automatic instinct is to act super rudely because you didn't get your way or things didn't work in your favor. Maybe it's something more deeper than that. Maybe your best friend of 4 years betrays you and y'all no longer talk anymore. When you see him/her in a public setting you can't help but give them a nasty look or feel hatred towards them. But, what if when you saw that old friend you went up to them and asked them how they're doing? Believe me, I know, it's hard. It is hard for us to love the one's who have hurt you. But guess what God loves us each and everyday. No matter what our sins are, He loves us all and He loves us BIG. 1 John 4 7-8 says, "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love". How different would our lives be if we all loved like God loves us? When that car cuts you off in traffic you are compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in love. That might sound so crazy to you to act that way when someone almost just caused you to get into a wreck but, that is how God loves and how He calls us to love. The other day me and my best friend decided to do one thing every week that shows God's love. We started by texting friends and even some people that we hadn't talked to in awhile and asked them how we could pray for them that week, the results were amazing. It was incredible to see how many people actually needed YOUR SINGLE prayer just by asking them. (free tip: always ask your friends/family/co-workers how you can pray for them). The other day I hadn't eaten all day and I was so hungry, I decided to go Subway and couldn't wait to eat my regular order of; Italian Herb & Cheese bread with ham and cheese and pickles. It's my turn to order and they tell me they're out of my FAVORITE BREAD I was so upset! I then ask for pickles, they said "sorry ma'am all out of that too" my initial thought is "Ok Subway what is going on?" I could have made a huge deal about it and acted rude or frustrated about them not having exactly what I wanted. In that moment I immediately thought of what me and my best friend were practicing that week "Loving like Him". So in the end, I asked the worker how his day was, talked a bit, and then thanked the worker at Subway. It made me feel so much better than leaving the worker with a rude remark or being frustrated because that wasn't going to change the fact that they didn't have my favorite bread or pickles.

So, I leave you with this to practice for the rest of the week, try to make it apart of who you are. I challenge you this week to find God's love in every situation you embark on. Maybe it's buying a Starbucks drink for the person behind you in line. Whatever it is, do it with love. His love. I promise you the more you make this a routine it becomes who you are as a person. Let His love overflow through you and around you. God showed us His love by giving up His one and only son for us. Believe that, live through that and allow His love to overflow through this world that we live in. We all need His love more than ever poured throughout this earth.

Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me".

thx for reading!!:) & don't forget to subscribe before you leave!

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