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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Gutierrez

10 things I learned at church camp.

This past week I went to Carolina Creek with my church as a leader for our sixth grade camp. During this hot, and sweaty week in Huntsville Texas we did numerous outdoor activities like rock climbing, zip-lining, canoeing, and jumping off super high cliffs. When we weren't doing activities we spent time praising God and glorifying Him and all of His creations with a wonderful night of worship. During this week God talked to me in numerous ways, here are 10 things that I learned this week.

#1: WATER. IS. GODS. PERFECT. GIFT - This week I longed for water more than normal. I was outside from 8 in the morning until 9 at night, water was my holy grail this week. As I was relying on water this week to keep me hydrated and keep me cool, I realized that often times we do the same thing with God. Usually when i'm in the comfort of my own home I don't have the desperate need for water like I did while at camp. When things are going great are you as desperate for God as you are when things are going bad?

#2: Encouragement - Throughout this tough week my group of 12 girls and myself learned to encourage one another throughout every activity we did, and it really helped. When they encouraged one another it really made a difference in the week, these girls are figuring themselves out and who they are. Us girls feel like their not funny enough, pretty enough, or smart enough. One night our girls played "American Idol" in our cabin before bed time, they took turns singing to group. Every single one of those girls had unbelievable voices. They also had unbelievable hearts, they constantly cheered each other on.

#3: I am not afraid....& neither are sixth grade girls - Another thing God instilled in my life this week was trust. If you know me you know I do not do heights, I hate amusement parks because I hate roller coasters I hate the feeling that most love, the adrenaline. My family has tried to force me for years to get on rollercoasters and each time I would not budge but this week I conquered my fear of heights. God forced me this week to get out of my comfort zone and face this fear of mine, a year ago I wouldn't have gotten myself to zip line and jump off a cliff. God spoke to me and took all my worry and anxiety away. Learning to trust Jesus more and His plan is showing throughout my life because i'm conquering many fears left and right. Thankful for my group of girls who encouraged me all the way through it, and cheered me on, YALL ROCK.

#4: His plan is greater than mine, He > i - Every night of camp we had a sermon and worshiped. One of the nights they talked about the plans that we set for ourselves and the plans God already has set for us. Jeremiah 29:11 has really been the center of my life this past year, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".

#5: IS DABBING STILL IN ?! - Everywhere we went we HAD to dab. Going to worship? dab. Jumping off a cliff? dab. Zip-lining? dab. These girls loved to dab, it was hilarious and made the hot and sweaty days bittersweet. In fact, as I was jumping off the cliff they yelled "Ms. Danielle dab and scream yolo when you jump!!!!!" I loved how they found humor and joy in such little things like this, it makes me wish the rest of the world lived like sixth graders do. Although, it'd probably full of DABBING.

​#6: So many questions - As humans we are filled with questions. This week it seemed like every second of the day was consumed with questions, "what REC rotation do we have next?", "when is lunch?", "do you HAVE to wear our water shoes in the lake?", and me constantly asking "do all of you have water in your water bottles?!". We're constantly wondering. The most common question they asked was, "what we are doing next?" The girls were so excited they always wanted to know what was coming next. We all do. We all want to know what tomorrow is going to look like, or what our lives are going to look like in a year. The answer I would tell my girls when they asked what we were doing next was, "just be patient and you'll find out once we get there" God is constantly telling me and you, "just be patient and you'll find out once you get there". Remember guys & girls H has it all planned out.

#7: Unplanned things are ok - On one of the days at camp it rained and by rained I mean poured. We were allowed to still continue on with our REC rotation until it started to thunder. Our rotation that day was the lagoon which consisted of cliff jumping and huge water slides. It was our favorite day! Mother nature began to take its course and took a turn on our plans, but we didn't let it stop us from having fun. It started to thunder and we were called to get out of the water and return to our cabins for the mean time. We loved this time together as a group, our backpacks, clothes, and bibles may have been soaked but we enjoyed this unplanned moment. Our lives are filled with the unknown don't let it ruin what God has in store for you.

#8: You are exactly where you're supposed to be - I last minute decided to go to sixth grade camp, I quickly filled out paper work, and packed 2 days before we were planned to leave. I felt God tugging at my heart telling me this is where I needed to be this week, man was He right. I met some of the most influential Christian people who had big hearts for Christ. I got to spend a week with some of the craziest, smart, beautiful & loving sixth grade girls. God gave me these girls to be their mentor but it felt so much more than that.

#9: THANK YOU FOB - FOB stands for "Flat on back" which is NAP TIME. In between REC rotations we had nap time, and it was the most peaceful and cherished hour of the entire morning. Our girls LOVED it. Seriously at lunch time they would chant "FOB, FOB, FOB".

#10: Being a leader to this generation - Beside all the fun and worship that happened this week I have learned how to become a better leader. I have reflected on how I can lead our youth better, I have appreciated the opportunity to be able to lead our youth. It is so important to pour into the lives of your youth ministry because they are the ones who have the power to make and run this world. Who they surround themselves with is going to reflect what their future will look like. Church leaders - make it a priority to reach out to your youth ministry and guide them through this world. It is so easy to get lost in it, constantly lead them to the foot of the cross. Make them feel valued, make them feel loved more importantly make them know that God loves them. Before He formed you and I in our mothers womb, He knew you and I, before you and I were born He set us apart.

see ya next year SIXTH GRADE CAMP.

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