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  • Love yours, Danielle

staying connected.

You may have or may not have heard about the most recent dissolution between Robert Kardashian and Blac Chyna. Wether you're a fan of them or not most of you guys have heard of them. As I was scrolling through my Instagram and twitter feed the other day reading it all. It showed how unhappy these two millionaires really were. I immediately began to think in my head how sad it is to have everything you could possibly think of and still be so unhappy. Robert & Blac Chyna are one of many examples that show that money or publicity truly do not buy a happy life or family.

No. matter. what. Robert and Blac Chyna portrayed this happy life throughout social media like when they introduced their new baby girl, Dream together.

If you don't know what happened between these two, ill give you the run down. Blac Chyna had been unfaithful to Robert Kardashian, and it finally came to a point where Robert wasn't putting up with it anymore and he took it upon himself to expose his wife on social media in many negative and inappropriate ways. Looking at their two's social media pages, these two had it made. We're talking about a guy who owns a Porsche, Range Rover, Lamborghini, and a Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon. That's a new car to drive for 4 days out of the week. You think they'd be internally grateful to God and be nothing but happy. Robert Kardashian and Blac Chyna aren't the only people who live their lives portraying that they are happy and have absolutely everything going from them. I see it everyday on various social media pages.

I see girls post pictures at the beach smiling with their hands in the air, big smile on their face looking the happiest they've ever been, and they even include it with the perfect caption telling you how happy they are, when what I didn't know was that two hours before they had a mental breakdown because their boyfriend had just broke up with them. We all love to portray on social media that our lives are to be so much better than it actually is. Why are we so afraid to let people know that we don't have everything figure out and that we are actually hurting? Why are we so afraid to let people know that we're not perfect but we have to post the 'perfect' Instagram picture?

Being an (almost) 20 year-old girl I know and have experienced first hand how scary this world can be and how terrible it can treat you. In that very moment when you start being honest with yourself and realize that YOU aren't perfect because HE is, is when He starts speaking His precious truth over our hearts. His truth sets us free, so start being real with yourself. I'm not saying those cute beach pictures with the perfect aesthetic are wrong to post in anyway, but know that it is okay to share your weaknesses with your followers, no matter how many their are. When others see you struggling just like they are it serves as a huge wake up call - "i'm not the only one". For some reason, we all think that we are the only ones going through something big. We think that no one could possibly know or relate to what is going on in our lives. Sharing some of my biggest weaknesses with the people in my life has made me feel more confident and fearless. 99% of the time their is someone else who is going through the same thing you are or has already been through it.

As generations come, it seems like social media grows with it. Sometimes, I like to think about a life without social media but then realize that we literally all depend on it. I'd like to say that I could give my phone up for a day and not actually go insane, but sadly I don't even think I could not have my phone around me for less that 5 hours. I use technology for everything, texting, Spotify, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, homework, Netflix, heck, i'm typing this blog at this very moment from my iMac laptop. I mean we are all so connected to social media in some way shape or form it's hard to not get totally consumed by it. I'm writing a blog on this topic because idolizing the way people's lives look through social media is a huge weakness of mine. I am so easily discouraged when someone posts a cute Instagram picture, I start thinking "why can't I look like that?", "why don't I have a relationship like that?". I mean my mind goes on endlessly thinking about why I don't look like that person, or why I don't have as many cute clothes as her. People I don't even know personally I worship over their lives, when the only thing I should be worshiping is the One who created me.

I might have no idea who they are or what they're going through but I am so quick to say, "I want to have their life". Man, that must hurt my Father to hear me say I want to "be like her" or "I want to have that life and not mine". In Jeremiah 1:5 it says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." I can't stop reading this verse without having tears fill my eyes. God's grace is so beautiful. My God knew me, loved me, and had a life already planned out for me before my mom and dad even knew if I was a boy or a girl. To hear me compare myself to other peoples lives is being selfish. How about instead of comparing myself, and yourself to others Instagram pictures or Snapchat stories we boast them on how lucky they are that God has given them the gifts that they have received by Him and for Him. Because this life isn't ours, that vacation home in France that your family owns was never yours, that boyfriend that you love was never yours, the nice car you get to drive was never yours, the big two story house you live in with a private media room was never yours, those season pass basketball tickets were never yours. Instead of glorifying those things, glorify God. Social media is such a beautiful and terrible thing you can either use it as a tool to glorify God and all He has given you or you can use it selfishly. Any personal and worldly things are things that are only temporary. Nothing on this earth is meant to fully satisfy us, we will always be thirsty for more. The love of God is what fills us up to our entirety and makes us feel loved, cherished, happy, wanted, & enough. You can't get all of those feelings from a Instagram picture filled with 3,000 likes. Our true life in heaven awaits for us, this is just our training stages. Nothing here is going with us to heaven, none of this is ours, it never was.

I promise that staying connected within positive things will bring you a new outlook on life, if you're doing things in a positive manor and not for the Instagram likes or the retweets but for God you begin to see God's light shine through you. It's easy to get caught up in the midst of other people's lives but God made YOU to be YOU for a reason. He knew you before he formed you in the womb. He set you apart from the rest for a reason, God has given me and you a life that no one else can live take that and use that to further His kingdom. Stop glorifying that cute couple on your Instagram feed and go glorify God with the talents He has perfectly given you. I pray you dance with God and glorify Him with all your love. We are called to lead one another closer to Him, let us not lose communication with the One who created us and adores us. I pray that He takes our focus off of ourselves and others and puts our focus on Him who thirsts for us to grow in wisdom while put on this earth.

To peers my age; college is tough and this life is constantly throwing us curve balls. Consume your life with Christ, form a strong relationship with Him, and never stop seeking Him throughout your life.

thx for reading!!:) & don't forget to subscribe before you leave!

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