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  • Love yours, Danielle

keeping up with your relationship with God.

Today while leading a kids bible study at church, a little boy came up to me and starting talking to me about how he had bumped his head on a hard table at home, he continues to tell me that he cried a lot because it really hurt. He then said that his mom took him to the doctor to make sure that he was okay, just to get that extra reassurance. We all hurt in occasions like these, we all get bumps, stitches and bruises. This little boy reminded me of a time when me and my family were at the lake on a boat and my younger sister had jumped off the boat into shallow water not knowing that it was shallow. She immediately felt the pain rush to her ankle, at the time she did not know that her ankle would be broken. A surgery later and lots of physical therapy she was on the road to recovery. I see our relationship with Christ as a check up appointment like the ones my sister had to attend when she had broken her ankle and like the little boy's mom who took him to the doctors to know that her son was going to be alright. To have a relationship with Christ we must attend these appointments. If my sister had not went through physical therapy like the doctors enforced her to do, her ankle would not be as strong as it is today. If you do not make appointments with God each and every day your relationship with Him will not strengthen. The trainers at my sisters physical therapy pushed her to work harder that way her ankle could grow stronger, and it wouldn't give out on her. God pushes US to work harder, grow stronger, and wiser. It is up to us to schedule those appointments. As a Christian we are not just called to believe, but to walk in faith, and make Jesus the Lord, Boss, and Ruler of your life. Are you making Him the center of your entire life? Are you entrusting Him with your life? Are you scheduling appointments with Him? At my church's bible study my pastor once said, "A relationship without Christ is like a car without an engine, or a car without gasoline" how powerful and true that is that without an engine in a car or without gas in the tank, you are not going to go anywhere. Without that strong bond within Christ, you are not going anywhere. You need fuel to help you get where you are going. For a minute I want you to think of your relationship with Christ in terms of a cell phone (weird I know, I promise it will make sense) but, when your cell phone hits 1% you are suddenly now in desperate need for a charger to fuel your phone back up to 100%, I think we all know what it is like to hit 1% on our phone and then wait for it to go all the way back up to 100%. But, what if we didn't wait for our phone to hit 1% to charge it? What if we didn't wait until we are so low in life to start growing stronger in relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior? Don't get me wrong God is a almighty forgiving Father and will accept you throughout your lows and highs but, we all know how long it takes for our phones to hit 100% after being at 1%. God loves you through it ALL, but he wants to see you pressing into Him even through the good times, he wants to share those good moments with you. Even as a firm follower of Christ we all struggle, and we all get those bumps, stitches and bruises but thankfully we don't have to worry about repairing them ourselves we have a God who has already healed us for eternity. Stay focused and stay consistent in your walk with God, be real with yourself, write out your struggles and sins be aware of them, we all have those moments so journal them and grow from them. God knows where you are going and He is specifically planting these moments in your life. He is challenging you daily to become who He wants you to be! Jesus Christ died for my sins and YOUR SINS. I can barely get a thank you for when I hold open a door for someone at the store......but my God DIED FOR ME. I don't know anything more shocking than that. How someone could give their life away to save millions of people. His people. On the days that I don't feel worthy, or enough, I rest in that. I rest in the thought that He thought I was special and important enough to give His life away for. I will live the rest of my life pouring and praising His word throughout eternity. Have you responded to God? Have you died to your old ways of living life without Christ and committed to living a new and fulfilled life with Him. All these worldly things can not fulfill us, they weren't meant to, I pray you see that. What was meant to fulfill us was the love of Jesus Christ and with that love you have everything you need. The love we get from our boyfriend/girlfriend wasn't meant to fulfill us, the amount of money that we have in our bank account wasn't meant to fulfill us, the amount of likes, favorites, or retweets on our posts wasn't meant to fulfill us because we will always want more. The faithfulness and truthfulness of the Word of God will always fulfill you through the good and the bad times of life. Continue your walk with Christ, not just on Sunday mornings when you go to bible study and church but in your own time when no one is watching. God sees you, hears you, and He is always with you but it is your job to show up to those appointments and grow stronger with Him.

thx for reading!! :)) & don't forget to subscribe before you leave!

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