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  • Love yours, Danielle

putting God's plan above anything else.

Two years ago I graduated High School. The high school I attended is very competitive and filled with many outstanding students who strive for the best of the best. To say high school was rough for me is only an understatement. I mean I STRUGGLED and I struggled hard. I never really had that drive that my classmates had. Tests were not my forte, I hated taking them and studying for them was even worse. It seemed that no matter how much I studied or how late I stayed up I was not getting the grades that my peers around me were. I pushed through what seemed to be the worst four years of my life educational wise. When I graduated high school and knew the next step of my life would be college, I was not excited. I started my freshmen year at a community college near my home. The first two years of my college career I was a full-time student and had two jobs. So, not only did I have to keep my grades up I was also faced with new challenges like work, I would leave class and go straight to work, the days that I didn't have school I was working. Suddenly school and work became my entire life. On the weekends I would literally sit in bed all day and binge watch Scandal and enjoy the two days of free time. I was constantly busy with school, work, babysitting, church, and leadership activities it wore me out entirely. My second year in college seemed to be the most busiest and hardest for me. I had high hopes of transferring to my dream school Texas A&M University (WHOOP!!) - this was it. I knew what I needed to do to achieve this dream and I went after it full heartedly. I can not tell you the amount of times I struggled with school and all of the extra things I was involved in. But, I knew the things I was doing, was God calling me to do them. My last semester at home was filled with so much anxiety and worry, at the end of the day I knew it was up to God where my future would lead me, and I did not want to be anywhere He did not want me to be. We all have dreams and goals for ourselves that we would LOVE to achieve but ultimately, if God doesn't want it than neither do I. That's how I felt about my worry towards where I would end up next year, would it be my dream school, would it be another school, would I even continue with college? these were all questions that remained in my head as I continued through my last few months of school. These are only a few of the things that worried me throughout the semester - I won't even talk about my struggle through my business math class. As I went through all of these struggles God remained right there with me through it all. Through the midst of the storm, He was there saying "I got this". This gives me such high hope for my future struggles. This is only the beginning of what is yet to come, trusting Him through this whole process relieved so much stress that I obtained. Truthfully at the end of the day I didn't know where I would end up but I knew He did. Remember how I mentioned school was absolutely horrible for me in high school? Going to Texas A&M wasn't even a thought then. My friends would talk about this school and I always thought "how cool would it be to go to an amazing school like Texas A&M University?" it was only a dream. My dream soon became a reality. Seeing everything fall into place the way God intended it to is such a beautiful relieving feeling. Knowing I didn't have to be in charge of my future plans because God already has them planned out for me. Even in the silent when everything seemed to be going wrong, God was at work and will always be at work. He is always present, He will always remain a loving and FAITHFUL father, and he is aware of our deepest struggles, anxiety and needs. It is so hard to see this clearly at first, not knowing what to expect is incredibly hard. When God seems busy elsewhere or unmoving the truth is that He is always moving throughout your life and working to do something beyond anything what we were thinking. I rest in this; I know He exists and I know He loves me even when life gets confusing and crazy. I rest in God's promises and in His presence. The plan that the world has for us is no where as pleasing as the plan that God has for us. So, rest in HIS PLAN, and His promises. Don't be discouraged when God takes you somewhere you never imagined you would be. I can't wait to see where God takes me on my next journey as an official Texas A&M student. GIG 'EM!!!!!

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