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  • Love yours, Danielle

saying 100% yes to God.

Ever since I was a little girl I was always familiar with the name God and Jesus. I'd grown up in a home who went to church on Sunday mornings and prayed before meals. My parents always taught me to know and love God. But, as I got older my parents could no longer form my relationship with God, it was up to me to continue it. On March 28th, 2012 I was baptized at my church, In that moment I had to make a decision on who I wanted to be the leader of my life. I was 12 years old. The day I got baptized I decided to surrender my life to God. Have you surrendered your life to God? Does God have your life? I don't just mean relying on Him when you need it, I mean fully dedicating your life to Him. Perhaps you find yourself only calling out to God when you are going through a tough breakup, or loss of friendship. He longs to be with us through every. little. moment. Even through the good moments and the bad moments. There were times I found myself just calling out to God in the hurt but not relying on Him through every aspect of my life. There were times I thought I was pursuing Him, but He has been pursuing ME. He has and always will be. He wants to know you, He wants to be with you, He wants to form that relationship with you but, you have to let Him. He is telling you, Draw near to me because I am drawing near to you. Giving your life to God doesn't mean you will never make another mistake again because we are all humanly flawed. It's when you notice your mistakes and turn to Him that you began to put your trust and faith in Him. God will do the most amazing things when you surrender complete control to Him, even when you feel like you have everything planned, I promise you that you don't. Nothing you can think or dream of compares to His plan. We plan our dreams, goals and often settle for them thinking that they are enough but what we don't see is how He can make His dreams, goals, and prayers a reality for us. He is mightier than your biggest dream, He is stronger than the one's holding you back from pursing Him. His thoughts are higher than anything you will ever be able to understand. A seed will never grow if you do not plant it. You have to plant the seed and water it continuously for it to grow. Plant your relationship with Him. Constantly water your relationship with Him by spending time in His word and talking to Him. He can't grow in your life when your faith is so little. Don't limit Him to your life, lean on Him with your whole heart. Give your fears to Him. Be comfortable allowing Him to take ahold on your life. All the things that you walk into He has already planned out. What are you worshipping? What are you allowing to take up your life? What direction are you going to appoint your life? Are you just having a casual relationship with God? Reflect on these questions and really answer them with honesty. G0d wants you to jump all in. He doesn't just want you when things are bad, He wants to be in your life all the time, not just sometimes. One of the toughest things you will experience is trusting someone with your life. But knowing that He already has it planned out for me and for you is the most satisfying thing. This week I challenge you to further your relationship with God. I challenge you to get to a point in your life where you are so far in your relationship with God that you don't ever want to turn back. Destroy the things that are getting in the way of your relationship with God, give it all up to experience God's better plan. Give it to the One who has experienced it all. I don't have it all figured out, and something tells me that I never will. As I lean not on my own understanding but on His I begin to see His works move throughout my life. I say 100% YES to God. My heart is completely and entirely sold out to God. Does God have your life or are you choosing what He gets?

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