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  • Love yours, Danielle

Finding the goodness in your suffering.

I swear Monday had it out for me. This past weekend I had been cramming last minute projects right before finals week (you already know how this is going to play out) by the way, don't ever start an assignment two days before the due date. It'll lead to unnecessary panic attacks and a whole lot of stress eating. Trust me, i'm totally giving you a tip right here. My dreadful weekend ends, and Monday comes, i'm driving to my 10 AM class and my tire pops, like seriously ?!, as I was on my way to class I was thinking of all the assignments I had, and essays I had to write. I was already so stressed. We can be on the biggest Jesus high and then all of a sudden one thing after another keeps happens and it just ruins your mood completely. You find yourself sulking and complaining on why things are just not going your way. Monday ended and I finished those projects and I aced those essay's. I often feel like God puts distractions in our life to ease the stress on the things you are taking most focus on. All those little set-backs helped me stop worrying about the things I had to do for class, and put my focus towards Him. I just imagine God looking down at me and thinking, she doesn't even know all the amazing, indescribable things I have planned for her, stop worrying. All of these troubles happening at once made me realize that my focus wasn't on Him, I was relying on myself to get through these troubles instead of turning to Him. Jesus says that the great care of this life is to put the relationship to God first, and everything else second. Everything else second. That means school, relationships, jobs, social media, money, even your dog that is just so cute and so hard to resist. We go through these times in our lives where we let our troubles over power God. We sometimes even think that our troubles are greater than what God can handle. God always wins, it doesn't matter how many or how long your troubles last because in the end God wins, not our troubles. What if we have this mindset that our season of suffering isn't what is being done to you but whats being done for you. The troubles that we go through only help us. They help us to grow stronger in our faith. They helps us to cling on to Him. They help to strengthen us on what we can handle, what you thought was your limit has now exceeded with every suffering and trouble you go through. I can't help but be thankful for all the suffering God has put me through, it has helped me grow closer to Him and not worry about if I will get through it but fully knowing that I will get through it with the presence of my Almighty God. Find joy in your suffering. Despite those bad Monday's God is the one who holds it all. That is so comforting to me knowing that God has it all planned out for me and you, it's like getting a test and knowing all the answers to it already. God already has all the answers to your test. Rest in that. Not stressing out is so hard, as a college student I swear it's just something it comes with, "hi welcome to college here is your books and stress", know that God is holding you saying "I have a plan, a good plan, one specifically for you." God's got this, and because He's got this, so do YOU. For those days when you feel like you having nothing left, you will always have the Holy Spirit in you. The Holy Spirit is always there and so is He. You are never alone no matter how far away you might feel you are. Let your faith be bigger than your fear. Let your faith be bigger than your troubles. Let God be the #1 thing in your life right now, tomorrow, and forever. The other day I was watching Secret Life of Pets (which I so recommend watching no matter how old you are) there was a quote that stood out to me "You may not be doing great, but you're not drowning and that's something" How spot on and true is that. I pray that you let the Holy Spirit inside you when you feel your troubles and suffering taking over. I pray you let the Holy Spirit pour inside you and allow it to pour onto your family, classmates and the lady running next to you at the gym. I pray that you know God has already won, let Him strengthen you and move you in ways you would have never imagined.

thx for reading!!:) & don't forget to subscribe before you leave!

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