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  • Love yours, Danielle

switching lanes.

The other day I was stuck in traffic, it was at a complete stand still. The lane to the right of me started to move along, as cars were passing by the car in front of me noticed that our lane wasn't moving and took advantage that the one next to us was. He quickly got out of my lane and switched over to the next one, obviously because he didn't want to wait. Ah, the patience of waiting, I began to think that is often what people do when they think their relationship with Christ is at a stand still. They begin to think well, nothing is going anywhere or really changing with my life so I might as well just move on to the next thing. Not knowing what switching lanes can do. The car automatically assumed it was safe to get out of the lane and switch into the next one but, what he didn't see ahead was construction. The right lane was closed and the cars who were in that lane were trying to merge into my lane. Suddenly, he ended up back in the same lane but even further back. I see this happen with relationships with Christ. We get so ahead of ourselves, and decide to take our own detour but always end up back in the same lane and sometimes even further back. We're so quick to switch lanes, I say WE because even as a Christian waiting is something each and every one of us struggle with, including myself. Not seeing immediate results can be so challenging - you know when you take a test and you are anxious for your teacher to grade it already and the class period hasn't even ended? Well, just like you have to wait for your teacher to grade all of his/her students tests and not just the students in your class but in all of her classes you again will find yourself waiting for God's results too. I promise your teacher is working on grading all 120 of her students tests just like God is working on you. We are called to step out in Faith. Even when we can't always see what is ahead of us and what is going on. We won't always see immediate results. Just like that guy in traffic that switched lanes thinking he'd get farther ahead - you will fall on your face. In Joshua 3 it talks about Joshua and the Israelites going to the Jordan River which they had planned to cross. This river was completely flooded at this time, it is very long and wide. As soon as the priests who had carried the ark put their feet into the river, the river opened up like a wall flowing to their left and to their right. Joshua had humbled himself and waited for the instructions of one to whom honor is clearly due. God calls us to be strong and courageous. Joshua 1:6, "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them" We need to tune in and not miss out on His blessings and prepare ourselves for what God has planned. God calls us to anticipate, to anticipate entering the Promise Land. In Joshua 3, the people followed the Lord. Did you get that? They FOLLOWED the Lord. The Lord had to go before them. The Lord desires to work in your life today, tomorrow and everyday. Those slow, long waiting periods is God reminding you of the work He is doing in your life. Your emotions cannot be the reason that you give up. What you feel can act as a distraction, you have to stand firm and believe. God is never not working things together in your life. He does not quit on us, so don't quit on Him. He is still so faithful even when you think you're stuck, He is still moving you in glorious ways. God will never leave us, He is always with us waiting patiently for us to cling to Him and never let go. So, before you decide to switch lanes, stay and be patient knowing that He already has everything planned out.

I pray that you know He is faithful when we're not. He is loving when we're not. He is gracious when we're not. I pray that you move forward in Faith, and claim to your inheritance. I pray that you know God was with you then and that He is with you now.

thx for reading!!:) & don't forget to subscribe before you leave!

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