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  • Love yours, Danielle

Always be yours before being someone else's.

I find that when you spend time alone you really get to know yourself. It's the times when you aren't around your friends, or trying to impress anyone, and you're just being you is when you truly learn to enjoy your own company. Sometimes you just need to take yourself out on dates. Yes. You heard me right. Take YOURSELF out on dates. Earlier last week I went out by myself. I went to an art museum in Downtown Houston then ate at my new favorite burger joint in Rice Village, where I downed the best burger I have ever eaten (if you are in the Houston area i highly encourage Hopdoddy). It was nice to get away from all the little distractions, and enjoy my own company. It gave me a chance to think about things, to reflect on where I have gone wrong, and how I can go from there. It gave me chance to reflect on my own success. When you are able to spend diligent time on your own you are able to take life one step at a time, and not rush through it. You will never regret waiting for what God has best for you. You will regret rushing and settling for something that wasn't meant for you. "She finds peace in knowing God will always lead her exactly where she needs to be" I was out to lunch with one of my friends and he saw a women eating alone and thought that's so sad he is over there eating alone. I don't pity someone for eating or doing things alone. I see someone who is comfortable being independent in this world. I am comfortable going to Starbucks or Chick-Fil-A alone. Honestly, I highly recommend it. You have to find that place inside you that brings out the human in you. The soul in you. The love in you. How are you supposed to know these things if you are constantly surrounded by a crowd of people. The world has painted a picture of what we're supposed to look like, and who we're supposed to be. Once you let go of who you think you should be and be who you truly are you'll receive the happiness you have been destined for. Give yourself that time to relax and enjoy being with yourself. I don't just mean listening to music in your room. Go out to that movie that you've been dying to see, go out and enjoy a grande cappuccino at Starbucks when none of your friends seem free to do anything. I'm not saying to always be spending time on your own but there are those times where you need that alone time, do it for yourself! If you don't have those moments where you realize how far you have come, where you have gone wrong in life and where you have gone right, you're totally missing out. It's healthy to boast yourself and know your worth. KNOW. YOUR. WORTH. Know you are worth more than a snapchat, Instagram DM, or Tinder match. Be confident in Christ and His many blessings. In this day and age we are more showered with criticism than we are compliments. COMPLIMENT YO SELF. Don't be scared of judgment, and don't be scared of yourself. Plus, when you get to spend time with yourself you get to indulge in on one on one time with God. Whenever I spend time in His word I am able to see things in a more positive perception. Whenever I start my day alone in His word everything just fits together, that lady who cut me off going to class suddenly doesn't effect my mood. When you have that passion for God it will give you a passion for people, because God loves people like crazy. As I experience these things alone I begin to realize that it is not God that I have but that He has got me. It is okay to not have life all together sometimes - that's the crazy beauty of it all. I think it is okay to not be okay sometimes but it is not okay to think that you have to go through the tough times alone. You always have God. In His timing God will put the right person in your life at the right time, sometimes the wait seems so long but oh my will it be worth it. Take this time to grow, to be that person that you are happy with and when the time comes along in His timing you will both run towards God together. Give Him your heart and trust that your heart will eventually become something so much greater, so much more beautiful in His hands. You don't need another person to complete you. You are whole on your own. I pray that you stand out from the crowd and know that you are His. i pray that you make your goal to always be someone who loves the Lord above all else. i pray that you know a relationship centered around God is worth the wait.

thx for reading!!:) & don't forget to subscribe before you leave

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