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  • Love yours, Danielle

season of patience.

Have you ever felt that your life just isn't quite set yet? As humans I believe we all struggle with patience, it's just who we are. I also believe that sometimes we are placed in seasons to simply be still. To be nothing but desperate for Him. He loves and thrives off of our seasons of desperation. To simply rest in His faithfulness. The season you are in right now is exactly where you need to be. Fix your eyes on Him. God will always finish what he starts until he is done. You might even doubt him, because it's who we are, were human, and we are full of doubt. God loves to prove us wrong, it helps our faith grow stronger, and the doubt begins to die. I've experienced broken friendships and relationships that I never knew I would experience. Every past relationship has helped me grow spiritually and mentally. It has helped me to be patient for what is yet to come. What I thought I wanted was no where near to what God wanted. God is going to take the hurt and use it towards many blessings, for greater things then you could imagine. That is what He does, He takes your struggles, your battles and uses them to help you become the best version of yourself. We live in a world where everything is so instant no one wants to wait anymore, we can order Starbucks on our mobile app before even leaving the house and it will be ready to pick up in less than 10 minutes. Don't treat your relationship with God like that 2 second click of a button. We order our grocery's online with just a click of a button and then pick it up at H-E-B curbside pickup. Did you forget to buy your brother or sister that important birthday gift? Don't worry Amazon Prime's got you covered with free two-day shipping that will arrive at your doorstep. So, how can we not struggle with patience when everything around us is so fast moving. This can and will forever effect our relationship with God. Again, it's just who we are. It is apart of us whether we like it or not. Are you going to let it effect your forever life with Christ? I sure hope not. He desires us to have a firm foundation with Him and through Him. Through that season of waiting, grow with Him, listen to Him, and just simply be with Him. Everything that you are experiencing is happening for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go of the one's that aren't helping you grow. You will experience battles that you will think you will never overcome just to find out that you WILL overcome any battle, it's not when its about HOW.

I look back on my hardships and laugh about how silly I was to think "I can't overcome this one" because no hardship is too big for my God to handle. "If you believe in a God that controls the big things, you must believe in a God that controls the small things. It is we, of course, to whom things seem big or small." -Elisabeth Elliot i've learned to handle when things go wrong and appreciate Him even more when things begin to go right. I begin to see His faithfulness in the times i thought I would never be able to overcome. Sometimes it takes us feeling like we aren't moving anywhere to realize that our outside circumstances will lead to an opportunity to depend completely on God. Turn your worry into worship and watch God turn your battles into blessings. Enjoy those different seasons God puts your through, it's all part of a grander plan, one that you can't even imagine right now. I pray that you rely on His timing with a patient heart. I pray that you trust in Him with all your heart and know He has a plan that is far greater than anything you have ever dreamed of.

thx for reading!!:) & don't forget to subscribe before you leave!

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