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  • Love yours, Danielle

hey God, you got this one right? // 4.11

Whatever it may have been that made you stumble upon this blog maybe you're a close friend of mine, family, or aquantince, HELLO !!! i am 19 years old, a current struggling but surviving sophomore in college. Woah. As i typed out sophomore it felt so weird, i am like, old? I am HALF-WAY through my college career, well minus me obtaining my masters, but let's not think about that. As i reflect on these past few years as a college student i'm thinking about how fast time has gone, how many oppurtunites i've been blessed with and how my future is still at wait. My enitre future, something i am so not in control of. I can't even count the amount of times i think to myself, "Hey God, you got this one right?". He is already ahead of me saying, "For i know the plans i have for you, plans to prosper you, and to not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future," Jeremiah 29:11 Well, phew at least someone's got this because i sure don't. The moment i realized that i needed to let GO and let GOD was when powerful things began to happen in my life. You know how i said i am "a struggling but surviving sophomore in college"? The 'surviving' part is through the works of God. Through the countless mental breakdowns, loss of friendships & relationships, and that one Math test that i just couldn't seem to pass, He was there. In the midst of such darkness His lights always shined. We weren't born to know everything infact, if we did how could we trust? I pray that you trust, with all your heart, trust. Let God prepare your future, don't try and rush what is not meant to be. When we trust God in His timing, you'll see great things happen. I won't tell you it'll be easy, but it'll be worth it because you are worth it.

thx for reading!! :)) & don't forget to subscribe before you leave!

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